Happy New Year to everyone. We hope that your holiday season was as enjoyable as they could be. The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly made a shift in how we deliver eye care in Canada, but we continue to follow the strict regulations set forth by our government and association to keep you, our patients, safe. We are excited to see you again this year!
January is “Glaucoma” awareness month and we thought it would be a good idea to let everyone know a few key points about this eye disease. Glaucoma is a progressive eye disease that results in the loss of your peripheral vision as the tissue at the optic nerve starts to thin. The most common types of glaucoma can be detected and treated early by your Optometrist using our Optical Coherence Tomography scans, retinal photos and slit lamp examinations. These tests are completed each time on every patient over 18 years old that visit our clinic to build a lifetime database that is crucial to detect small changes over time. Since glaucoma is typically a slowly progressing disease of the optic nerve, early detection even before symptoms are detectable by the patient, is crucial to long term preservation of good vision. If it has been a while since your last eye examination, it might be prudent to come in to see us here at the Eye Health Centres in Calgary or Regina, (www.eyehealthcentres.com) so that we can discuss any risks for glaucoma. This time of year, health spending benefits and insurances often reset. We keep our inventory of glasses fresh so that every time you come in, we have something new to show you. A new and popular line are “Glossi”, “Cartier” frames (please check our web site: wwweyehealthcentres.com). We have exciting frames with unique shape and colour. Please come in and see them. Finally, we would like to thank everyone who continue to support us. It is because of you that we can continue to be here and deliver exceptional eye care. Looking forward to seeing you in the office soon! Sincerely, The “Eye” Team @ The Eye Health Centres